Tomah’s LaGrange Elementary School teachers and students value reading. That’s why the two groups joined forces to donated $570 and a variety of books for families of newborns at Tomah Health July 27, 2022.
“Our staff values early literacy skills and the best thing parents can do for their children when they are growing up before they come to school is to read to them for educational value,” Tomah School Business Manager Michelle Clark said about the donation.
Tomah Health Women’s Health Services Director Carrie Lord, MSN, RN, RNC-OB said the books will be given to families of hospital newborns, while the funds will be used to purchase additional books. ”We greatly appreciate our community partnerships supporting our new families,” Lord said.
Clark said the funds were raised by teachers as part of the school’s weekly staff Friday Jeans Program and by members of the LaGrange Student Council.
She said the students were eager to help support the donation. “We can’t educate students on our own and parents cannot do it on their own, so if we can partner with people that are serving all of our families, that would be a benefit for everyone involved.”
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