
Our Occupational Therapy promotes health and independence in everyday life. Our experienced occupational therapists work with patients to customize treatment programs that restore and enhance their ability to develop, recover or maintain the daily skills needed for a healthy life.

By adapting the environment, making modifications, teaching skills or providing education to our patients and their families, we help patients participate and perform daily activities that are meaningful to them.

After reviewing your doctor’s recommendations, we will perform a comprehensive evaluation and develop a unique, individualized treatment plan to meet your specific goals.


A therapist assisting and elderly woman
Tomah Health certified occupational therapy assistant Michelle Goldsmith, left, discusses myotherapy treatment with Nancy Ellegood during a visit to the hospital’s rehabilitative services department.

OT specialty programs:

  • Lymphedema – therapies include massage, compression bandaging, wound and skin care, self-management training
  • Home Safety Assessments – environment assessment and training to help older adults remain injury free and as independent as possible
  • Driving Fitness assessment – Clinic assessment of individual’s overall ability to operate a vehicle safely, recommendations of adaptive strategies or behavioral changes to limit risks
  • LSVT BIG – Specialized treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Myotherapy Intervention – assessment of muscle movement patterns, manual intervention, and education for pain management techniques to perform daily activities with greater ease.
  • Pediatrics
  • Hand Rehabilitation


Contact Rehab Services at (608) 377-8354.

Tomah Health