Tomah Couple Shares Story of a Lifetime

Tomah Health Women’s Health registered nurse Rachel Hansen, left, Surgery and Endoscopy Dept., coordinator Jennifer Hutson posed with Krystal Hancock and Cody Lenz and their son, Kohen.

Cody Lenz and Krystal Hancock will have a great story to share with their son someday. The Tomah couple shared the experience of a lifetime when their son, Kohen, was born at Tomah Health Nov. 29.

But that’s only half of the story. Two days prior, Cody started having abdominal pains, and later checked into Tomah Health for emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix. “We were supposed to go to Reedsburg for the birth, so I was hoping that I was coming around then, but I was actually in a lot of pain,” explained Cody, who also celebrated his birthday Monday.

While Cody was recovering from surgery and starting the discharge process, his fiancé, Krystal started having contractions.

Krystal had originally planned to have her baby in Reedsburg since she had been receiving care with a provider there. “When I first had contractions, I actually just walked out to Acute Care and I just told them what was going on without even waking him up. He just got out of surgery, so I didn’t want to wake him,” said Krystal. “He was still not doing very well, and my contractions did not go away and were closer together and more intense.”

That’s when Krystal knew she was going to have her baby at Tomah Health. “It was a smart decision; the right decision.”

At 1:38 p.m., Kohen arrived weighing 6 lbs., 14 oz and 19 ½ inches long, an experience that Krystal described in one word: wild. “It’s just wild to me. It’s just so wild,” recalled Krystal. “It happened all so fast. It’s crazy, but it’s all worth it in the end and I’m excited to tell people the story.”

Tomah Health Women’s Health Services Director Carrie Lord, MSN, RN, RNC-OB said the story is a first for the hospital. “I’ve been here 15 years and I’ve never seen anything like it, so I’m sure it’s probably a pretty crazy experience for them as well.”

Lord credited her staff for working closely with Surgical Services and Acute Care to ensure a smooth process for the couple. “I think it’s pretty great that our staff in all departments made it work for them so that way they could be together during that very special time in their life.”

Women’s Health Registered Nurse Rachel Hansen, RN, CPST said the experience was unlike anything she had been part of during her five years at the hospital. “It was pretty crazy. I kind of felt like I had two patients trying to take care of both of them and bring their son into the world,” said Hansen. “I think it’ll be a cool story for them to be able to tell their family and friends.”

Hospital Surgery and Endoscopy Dept., Coordinator Jennifer Hutson BSN, RN, CNOR, who coordinated Cody’s surgery, said timing was everything for the couple. “I think he came in at the perfect time to have surgery to be done before the birth of his son. I have been here for 12 years, and I’ve never heard or seen this happen before, so it was exciting. I’m glad that it worked out, it was a great outcome.”

Both Cody and Krystal had glowing reviews of their care at Tomah Health. “Everybody here was great. I would definitely recommend anybody to come here. This was my first time ever in the hospital here,” said Krystal. “Everyone here treated us awesome,” added Cody.

Learn More About our Women’s Health Services, HERE

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